Get Paid To Travel: 101 Amazing Travel Jobs That Let You Work And Travel Overseas

Knowing how to make money while traveling through landing flexible travel jobs is the ultimate dream for so many people we meet on the road…


However, we keep on seeing the same problem over and over again – the people who seem to love traveling the most are simply not aware of the hundreds, if not, thousands of opportunities that are readily available to them!

And chances are, you were one of those people… Until now.


If you don’t yet know who I am, my name is Hannah and I am the co-founder of StoryV as well as the online travel store, SHOP STORYV.

Since 2013 my partner, Dan and I have been slowly traveling the world together after spontaneously meeting and falling in love whilst traveling in Thailand…


Little did we know, we’d be welcoming our first baby nomad into the world 3 years later, our gorgeous boy, Eloí.

Now we’re a little traveling family of three!

So you may be wondering how we’ve been able to do it – sustain a traveling lifestyle, that is…

I will cover this more towards the end of the resource but for now, we have successfully turned travel into a lifestyle through running an online business.

And by the way, neither of us have a degree.

If you want to quit your job and travel the world but not sure if you can afford it, this list of 101 traveling jobs is an awesome place to start…

Why? Because you’re going to learn how to keep your bank account topped up wherever you are, even if you don’t have a formal degree or any experience!

With many travel jobs based online for digital nomads, and others more suited to vagabonds, you basically get the freedom work and travel overseas.

So yes, technically, you get paid to travel.

Although you may not have known until now, jobs that involve traveling in this day and age are highly sought after by adventurers looking to get out and see something new…

And it’s not just travel industry jobs that allow you to wander the globe either, there’s a whole new breed of jobs that let you travel – whether it is a requirement or simply a perk!

Of course, jobs that require travel and pay well are not super easy to come across…

But at the same time, you also have the freedom to run your own remote business, which can earn you as much as you put into it.

Seriously, you have so many options you probably didn’t even know existed.

So today I want to inspire you with these 101 best travel jobs and make your dream of getting to work and travel overseas a reality.

Now’s the time to do what you’ve always wanted – get paid to travel!

I hope you enjoy learning from this as much as I enjoyed putting it together for you…

And who knows, perhaps one day we can meet up for a kebab, or a curry, or a pizza…Wherever we are in the world!

Also read – 42 Websites To Find Dream Remote Online Jobs While Traveling

How To Make Money Traveling: 101 Travel Jobs That Let You Live The Dream And Get Paid To Travel…

1. Freelance Writing

Best travel jobs - freelance writing

While being a professional dedicated writer is helpful, it is by no means required, especially since so many international companies are simply looking for native English speakers to write for their businesses or website. You can choose from lots of styles of writing – copywriting (John McIntyre has some great training on this), technical, personal, blogging, essays, etc.

No qualifications are required.


2. Blogging

Best travel jobs - blogging

Speaking of writing, you can get paid to travel by blogging!

Starting a blog (which doesn’t necessarily have to be travel-related) can allow you to make money by doing things like attracting paying advertisers and using affiliate marketing programs whenever you recommend a product or brand. To be successful, you must be consistent and dedicated to creating new content regularly as well as confident in promoting it.

No qualifications are required.


3. Virtual Assistant

Best travel jobs - virtual assistant

More and more companies are solving problems by hiring virtual assistants (also known as VAs). Working as a VA allows you to work remotely from anywhere in the world. It usually requires you to do tasks like answering emails, posting website content, managing online customer service, and an array of other online virtual tasks.

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


4. Digital Marketing Services

Best travel jobs - digital marketing

As a digital marketer, you can offer services such as search engine optimisation (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click ads, and website design. You could also offer packages which include a number of these services. Finding companies who want these services isn’t a difficult task nowadays; making sure you know how to deliver the results they are looking for is something you have to master though.

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


5. Web Design

Best travel jobs - web design

Quality websites need quality web designers – most clients don’t care where you live as long as you get the job done well. Web design involves creating graphics, creating the layout, and helping clients think about what the best experience for users will be when they come to the site.

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


6. Web Development

Best travel jobs - programming
Image by Lukas of Good Things Everywhere

Different from web design, web development is the actual coding that builds a website. Specialising in web development means you understand how to take the needs and wants of a client and turn them into a highly functioning, easy-to-use website. This type of work, although intensive at times, can be done almost always remotely, which means you get to travel overseas or abroad as much as you like!

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


7. Web Master

Best travel jobs - webmaster

Companies and businesses hire web masters to help ensure that their website is up and running at all times. A web master troubleshoots and updates, letting their clients rest at night knowing that they are losing business because of a broken, outdated, or hacked website.

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


8. Data Entry

Best travel jobs - data entry

Not always a thrilling job prospect, but it pays the bills and requires a small skill set. And, did we mention, you can do it anywhere in the world? Data entry is exactly as it sounds – entering data online and into documents for clients. The projects have a broad scope, which means some will be more fun than others. But if doing data entry means you can enjoy the Parisian nightlife, we say it’s worth it!

No qualifications required.


9. Professional Resume Writer

Best travel jobs - professional resume writer

There are lots of smart people in the world who don’t have a clue about creating a professional resume. That’s where you come in. You will work with the client, look at their skills, experience, etc. and turn those things into an attention-grabbing, professional-looking resume. You can also offer additional services such as full LinkedIn profiles and interview coaching. Expect big tips if the resume you wrote gets them hired.

No qualifications required.


10. Graphic Designer

Best travel jobs - graphic design

Artists wanted! Graphic design allows you to work remote for agencies or as a freelancer, designing everything from logos to posters, t-shirt designs, and newsletters. If you have a knack for design, this is a dream job as the pay is usually good and your ability to get the job done from anywhere in the world makes it an attractive choice for those wanting to travel.

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


11. Online Translation

Best travel jobs - online translation

Hablas español? Or any other language? Working online as a translator will give you lots of different job experiences, doing everything from translating blogs, video transcripts, essays, books, website content, and more. For people passionate about foreign languages, this job allows you to do what you love without tying you down to any particular place.

No qualifications are required.


12. Transcription

Best travel jobs - online transcription
Image via Way With Words

Transcription, or transcribing, requires you to listen to something (be it a video, a movie, an audio tape, a podcast) and then type what is being said verbatim. Some types of transcription require you to be in a physical spot, like if you are transcribing for a courtroom, but many can be done virtually and completely remote.

No qualifications required.


13. Online Customer Support

Best travel jobs - online transcription

With more and more businesses moving online, so are their customer support teams. Working in an online customer support position means you will be the person behind those online chats, answering questions and helping customers find their way around the site.

No qualifications are required.


14. Social Media Management

Best travel jobs - social media management

Everyone and their mom is on social media. And, for you, that’s a really good thing! Working in social media management puts you in charge of an individual’s or company’s social media accounts, which could mean you’re doing everything from posting content to taking pictures, and even responding and interacting with their audience.

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


15. Affiliate Marketing

Best travel jobs - affiliate marketing
Where’s Sharon, working on her affiliate marketing business from the Dominican Republic

Companies pay individuals to market their products and, when they sell, they offer a commission to whoever made that sale. You can sign up for an affiliate marketing program and then write about, blog about, talk about as many products as you want. If you convince someone to buy, you get paid! Just be sure to only promote products you would personally use and/or trust otherwise you can easily lose the trust of your audience. Also make sure you use the unique affiliate link you are given or your sales won’t be tracked.

No qualifications required.


16. Write eBooks

Best travel jobs - write ebooks

Self-publishing has made it possible to not only publish digital eBooks, but to actually make money from doing so. Unlike traditional books, eBooks are not usually as long or as comprehensive, which means you can write several, publish, and collect the royalties from anywhere in the world.

No qualifications required.


17. Create Online Courses

Best travel jobs - create online courses

Know something that other people want to know? Creating online courses, or eCourses, is a brilliant way to make what the industry calls “passive income.” You record your content once, set up a website, and then drive people to your website to buy the course. You only teach once but you can help an unlimited amount of people (and consequently collect an unlimited number of course fees).

No qualifications required.


18. Run Membership Sites

Best travel jobs - run a membership site

Membership sites are not only a great way to afford you the traveling lifestyle, but they are also potential big-time money makers. Membership sites can be in a variety of markets and can offer a wide-range of services, but all of them have the same thing in common: getting people to pay monthly subscription rates to receive whatever it is you’re selling them.

No qualifications required.


19. eCommerce

Best travel jobs - eCommerce
Aileen Adalid of I Am Aileen runs a successful eCommerce business while traveling

A vast online world, akin to that of the Wild West days of old, eCommerce is basically selling something (anything) physical online. This can be a serious, multi-billion dollar game or a side hobby of selling crafts on Etsy. To make a consistent living, do your research and make sure there’s a market before investing in 10,000 wool socks.

No qualifications required.


20. Drop Shipping

Best travel jobs - drop shipping
Johnny Jen from Johnny FD funds his life overseas with his drop shipping business

eCommerce’s clever nephew, drop shipping allows you to be in the game without ever touching or creating a product. Want to sell something or know of something people want or need? Find someone else who makes it, set up an account, and let them supply the goods for you. It’s a fancy middle-man game that allows you to travel without being eaten by inventory consuming your garage.

No qualifications required.


21. Online Influencer

Best travel jobs - online influencer
Image via Smart Insights

Have a knack for social media? Have a huge audience on YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook? Being an online influencer means that companies see your value and will pay you to leverage your audience so that they can get their product or service in front of them. It takes some time to build these relationships, but once you do, the result can be lucrative and rewarding (think free perks and incentives!)

No qualifications required.


22. Stock Investor/Trader

Best travel jobs - investing and day trading
Marcello Arrambide of Wandering Trader day trades whilst traveling the world

Some may see it as a little bit old school compared to these new age travel jobs like social media marketing but investing and trading is filled with potential. Throwing your hat in the investing arena can be as successful as it is stressful, but if stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are your cup of tea or if you enjoy taking smart, calculated risks, the upside is that you are free to travel the world as you wish. Word of the wise: learn a thing or two about investing before you decide to make it your life’s plan.

No qualifications needed – skills required.


23. Real Estate Investor

Best travel jobs - real estate investment

Much like investing in stocks, bonds and financial products, it is also common to invest in real estate. There are many entrepreneurs out there who build up property portfolio’s worth millions, buying the next property with the equity they have from another and living off the positive cash-flow (passive income) earned from their tenants. We are currently learning the ins and outs of property investment at the moment as this is something we are eager to get into in the near future (and yes, you can do it from anywhere!).

No qualifications required.


24. Holiday Home Manager

Best travel jobs - holiday home management

Websites like Airbnb and Stayz are exploding, with more and more people listing their homes and properties every day, many of whom being property investors. For many landlords, this is becoming a full-time business, which means they need someone to manage operating tasks, such as booking, reservations, customer service, etc. Alternatively, if you are currently renting a home, talk to your landlord and see if they’d be ok with you putting the spare rooms on Airbnb. While the landlord won’t necessarily get any monetary benefit from it (as you’ll be earning the profit) they will benefit from the fact that you are obligated (as an Airbnb host) to keep the property clean and well maintained.

No qualifications required.


How to Create an Empire On Airbnb Without Owning A Home

25. Tour Guide

Best travel jobs - tour guide
Kelsey Tonner of Be A Better Tour Guide travels the world with his partner running tours

Love people? Love to travel? Being a tour guide is the perfect job for the outgoing and friendly. Ranging from adventurous trips to art museums, tour guides help people enjoy the most out of their experience. You will meet lots of wonderful people, get to see a lot of cool things, and, as you gain more experience, you can find jobs around the world. Note: businesses and agencies in foreign countries are always looking for English-speaking guides!

No qualifications required.


26. Online Travel Agent

Best travel jobs - travel agent

Want to help other people get out and see the world while you do the same? Owning your own online travel agency allows you to help plan trips, everything from booking flights to arranging hotels and cruises, from the comfort of – wherever you want to be! While your online travel agency would generally offer a free service, you will generate income through affiliate commissions when your customers book hotels, flights or tours with one of your partners.

No qualifications required.


27. Travel Coach

Best travel jobs - travel coach
Mike and Anne Howard from Trip Coach offer travel coaching workshops

Know the ins and outs of traveling smart, saving money, and staying safe while abroad? People will pay you to coach them about how to travel well. You can do anything from host podcasts, write eBooks, speak at seminars, or work with clients one-on-one to ensure that their travel experiences are as awesome as your own.

No qualifications required.


28. Travel Planner

Best travel jobs - travel planning
Robert Schrader of Leave Your Daily Hell offers a travel planning service

Similar to owning your own online travel agency, only you get to offer a more personalised itinerary planning service and charge for that. Becoming a travel planner means that you’ll be working with people one-on-one, taking away all of the headaches of travel for them by organising, booking, and dealing with any complications that may arise.

No qualifications required.


29. Travel Nurse

Best travel jobs - travel nurse
Image via Blue Pipes

Yes, you first have to be a nurse. But if you meet that qualification, then becoming a travel nurse can be lucrative and fun for those looking to get paid to travel. Travel nurses are needed around the country (and the world) to fill in at hospitals, clinics, and schools that are low-staffed or just in need of more help. Stays at different places are usually several weeks if not months, which means you’ll have plenty of time to get to know the city you’re working in.

Relevant qualifications required.


30. Hospitality Work

Best travel jobs - hospitality

Working at a hotel, restaurant or café allows you to live in some pretty spectacular places (you know, those ones you’ve been dying to visit.) While upper-level positions require experience, there are many entry-level positions that will allow you to make money while enjoying five-star accommodations around the world. (Or, at least working in them!)

No qualifications required.


31. Fruit Picking

Best travel jobs - fruit picking
Image via A Travellers Journey

To many people’s surprise, there is quite a need for backpackers to help pick fruit or harvest other crops during peak seasons, especially in countries like Australia. Many farms lose a huge percentage of their food because it is not picked on time, making them desperate to find help. You will notice that many travelers take up seasonal fruit picking jobs in Australia in order to be eligible for the second year working holiday visa. Several of these positions pay for your accommodations as well as your time, and you get to say that you spent the summer in Australia harvesting local fruit.

No qualifications required.


32. Nanny/Au Pair

Best travel jobs - Au Pair
Image via Au Pair Care

Good with kids and don’t mind being around them? Being a nanny or an au pair allows you to live around the world, helping to care for a family’s children while also doing other household tasks. Many of these positions are posted by affluent families, which means you will spend your day in a comfortable home. In fact, as an au pair you’ll even live in the home with the family, and, even better, you might get to travel with them too!

No qualifications required.


33. Ski Resort Worker/Ski Instructor

Best travel jobs - Ski Instructor

Seasonal, yes, but a great way to pay the bills while traveling in the winter. Being an employee at a ski resort or instructing ski lessons allows you to do what you love with many beautiful locales to choose from. Those that are hardcore adventurers will cross hemispheres to track down powder year-round.

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


34. Farm Work/WWOOFING

Best travel jobs - WWOOFING
Image via Nomadic Matt

Looking for adventure and don’t mind hard work? Being a farm worker can take you around the world and offer you experiences you’ve never even dreamed of. The early morning tasks will be rewarded by good health, lots of fresh air, and a connection to animals and nature that could potentially change your life. While many farm work/WWOOFING opportunities are unpaid, your food and lodging are covered, which means you could live for free and utilise your spare hours to earn an income online.

No qualifications required.


35. Busking

Best travel jobs - Busking
Maria and Ben from busk their way around the world

Get in front of the crowds with your talents and see what kind of tips you can get! Taking up street performing, or busking, doesn’t always provide a consistent or reliable income, but it keeps you on your toes. New towns always offer new promises, so you will find yourself traveling often, perhaps hooking up with a group and exploring the world’s streets together.

No qualifications required.


36. Musician

Best travel jobs - Musician

Just how talented are you? Whether on the street corner playing a guitar or on a stage in front of thousands, there is always money to be made as a musician, albeit a wide range of money. For many musicians, traveling on a small tour of local bars and restaurants around the world is a dream come true – and will pay just enough money to make it happen. And, who knows, it might just be your big break.

No qualifications required.


37. Work on Cruise Ships

Best travel jobs - Cruise Ship Work
Image via

Cruise ships are huge floating productions that require lots and lots of people in order to make sure everything runs smoothly. The staff needed for a cruise is diverse, which means you will find jobs in broadcast, serving, health, cleaning, childcare, customer service, food, and so much more.

No qualifications required.


38. Work on Yachts

Another floating opportunity for you to travel and make good money, working on a yacht is a fun way to rub shoulders with the wealthy, offering services that typically are in the food and service industry, although entertainment, such as singers and musicians, are often wanted as well.

No qualifications required.


39. YouTuber

Best travel jobs - Youtuber

If your YouTube channel becomes successful, you can make some really good money. YouTube pays channels based on the amount of views they get as well as offering advertising spots through the Google Adsense program. You can also make money on Youtube by working directly with advertisers/sponsors, selling your own products and services and affiliate marketing.

No qualifications required.


40. Filmmaker

Best travel jobs - Filmmaking

While a competitive and often cutthroat industry, if you can get a break you can enjoy a fun, fast, and sometimes lucrative life. Being a filmmaker means you create films, sometimes big budget and oftentimes low budget, taking you around the world for scouting, shoots, and the all-important game of networking.

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


41. Animated Video Making

Best travel jobs - Animated Video Maker

From full-length stories to shorts and the up-and-coming business of making short animated explainer videos for companies to use for marketing, being an animated video maker allows you to express your creativity. And everyone knows that creativity is fueled by travel. So get out there and make some animated video magic!

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


Create Animated Explainer Videos – Complete Walkthrough

42. Video Editor

Best travel jobs -Video Editor

Don’t just think big film companies when you hear “video editor”, although you certainly can. Video editors today find themselves working for all sorts of digital companies and brands, including popular YouTube channels and subscription video sites. Attention to detail and an ability to pull late nights to deliver a finished project is a must.

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


Adobe Premiere Pro CC: Easy Video Editing With Premiere Pro

43. Music Producer/Composer

Best travel jobs - Music Producer

The internet makes it possible to do a number of things online, producing music now included. More and more people are creating music at home thanks to access to technology that makes it possible. You can sell your music on stock music sites, or if you want to go down a more lucrative path, you can produce albums and sell in places like iTunes and Amazon.

No qualifications required.


Music Production in Logic Pro X – The Complete Course

44. Voice Over Talent

Best travel jobs - Voice Over Talent

Ever been told you have a nice voice? Voice over talents work in a variety of industries, offering their voice to media, including commercials, exercise videos, podcast introductions, and more. While certain jobs will require you to report to a specific studio, many will allow you to record in any studio you want, whether it’s in Buenos Aires, San Francisco, or the basement of a friend you met coach surfing in Iceland. For even more freedom you can go down the freelance route.

No qualifications required.


VOICE-OVER ACTING: Instruction In Commercials, Animation & More

45. Photographer

Best travel jobs - Photographer

Photographers have the ability to travel all over the world, especially if that’s what they set out to do. While some get tied down to a customer-base or studio, others make their living traveling to exotic places, at times paid for ahead of time by magazines and websites who are contracting them for work.

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


46. Performer

Best travel jobs - Performer

There are lots of things that can get you on stage and, if you have ever found yourself on one and haven’t had the urge to throw up or run away, there’s a chance that your made for the business. Performers range from dancers to actors, acrobats to musicians, and beyond. You’ll typically find yourself in a troupe or a traveling company, for example, a circus, which means you’ll be working and traveling a lot.

Qualifications not mandatory – experience required.


Become a World Class Performer & Own The Stage

47. Hairdresser

Best travel jobs - Hairdresser

Most hairdressers, except for the super elite, don’t necessarily travel a ton, unless they find their way into a touring company, doing hair for various shows, etc. That said, think outside the box! Hairdressers do have the advantage of getting to choose where they build their clientele and get to travel for educational purposes too. Think, if you’re staying at a busy hostel with travelers coming and going, how many of them would be up for a cheap haircut when it’s as convenient as chilling out in the communal area with a beer?

Relevant certification required.


Salon Quickstart Guide to Facebook Ads

48. Hostel Owner

Best travel jobs - Hostel Owner
Our friends Mitch and Fai own Common Grounds, a thriving hostel in Pai, Thailand

Set up shop anywhere in the world and welcome people from around the world. Owning a hostel requires initial setup obviously, but once it’s up and running it can be a fun business venture that not only introduces you to a fun crowd of people, but also allows you to travel quite a bit yourself, especially if you choose to expand.

No qualifications required.


49. Yoga Teacher

Best travel jobs - yoga teaching
Anne and Brandon of Yoga Nomads travel the world while teaching the business of yoga online and the practice of yoga to students offline

Teaching yoga can be pretty rewarding. Not only do you get to do tons of yoga, but you can make money traveling by offering workshops, retreats, and trainings around the world. If getting paid to teach yoga classes for a week in Costa Rica, and make some extra money too, sounds like paradise – you just might have found your calling.

Relevant certification required.


Go From LOCAL Teacher To GLOBAL Yoga Entrepreneur

50. Massage Teacher

Best travel jobs - massage teaching
Image via Massage Therapy Training Institute

If you have been practicing massage for a while, you can be qualified to teach massage to students, which means you can host events and trainings around the world. Teaching massage is rewarding as you are training others to do what they love while helping others feel better in the process.

Relevant certification required.


51. Massage Therapist

Best travel jobs - massage therapist

If your hands are downright magic (and you are a licensed massage therapist too, of course), then you can find yourself traveling around the world, working for a variety of businesses, starting your own, or landing a sweet gig at a resort or on a cruise ship.

Relevant certification required.


52. Alternative Healing Therapist

Best travel jobs - alternative healing therapist

Acupuncture and Reiki are just a few of the alternative healing modalities that allow you to travel and work. More and more resorts and wellness centers are looking for these types of therapists to offer services to their visitors, paying well and setting you up in beautiful locales around the world. Not only that, you can also host your own workshops and retreats around the world!

Relevant certification required.


Reiki Master Teacher Advanced Certificate + Course Material

53. Language Teacher

Best travel jobs - language teacher

Teachers can find work around the world, working with a wide-range of students and ages. English as a Second Language teachers (or ESL teachers) are in high demand at both private and public schools, helping students learn English who are native speakers of another language. But it doesn’t just have to stop at English… Schools around the world run different programs teaching Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, you name it and are always looking for native speaking teachers.

TESOL or relevant certificate required.


54. Online Tutor

Best travel jobs - online tutor
Image via Learn Cube

Looking for something completely virtual? Being an online tutor allows you to work anywhere in the world, helping students, often adults, learn a new language or brush up on subjects they’re learning at school or university. Unlike a teacher, tutors don’t have to be licensed and aren’t required to do as much work as far as grading and lesson planning. You can also run your own tutoring business via platforms like Skype or work for an online employer.

Qualifications not mandatory – skills required.


Online Teaching Live Lesson Strategies For Teachers & Tutors

55. International School Teacher

Best travel jobs - international school teacher

International schools are located around the world, offering education for students who are often foreign to that country. International schools offer classes in every subject and are usually taught in English. These schools post jobs for teachers who are looking for a fun way to see the world and grow professionally.

Relevant qualifications required.


56. Business Consultant/Coach

Best travel jobs - Business Consultant

Being a business consultant, or a business coach, allows you to work with people who are aspiring to find success. Business consultants sometimes specialise in particular aspects of business rather than trying to teach everything, which means they can focus in and make more money doing what they’re good at.

Relevant qualifications required.


57. Financial Consultant/Advisor

Best travel jobs - Financial Consultant

Good with money? Understand accounting and bookkeeping and numbers in general? Financial consultants or advisors help clients manage their money, but without as much of the legalities that licensed accountants have to deal with. Consultants offer ideas and guidance, oftentimes via phone or Skype.

Relevant qualifications required.


58. Health Coach

Best travel jobs - online health coach

Coaching people on their health is a big business, and it allows you to work in a variety of ways. Health consultants work with their clients virtually, in-person, and through videos, eCourses, eBooks, and more. Not all health coaches are licensed – some just are great examples of leading healthy lives!

Relevant qualifications recommended.


10 Steps To More Clients For Your Health Coaching Business

59. Life Coach

Best travel jobs - online life coach

Life coaching is in high demand thanks to big names, like Tony Robbins. There are several different ways to get certified as a life coach, but if you have the right experience, people care less about credentials and more about how you can help them. You can make money through private clients, seminars, and publishing resources like eBooks, videos, eCourses, and podcasts.

Relevant qualifications recommended.


Life Coaching: Start Up Your Own Life Coaching Business

60. Artist

Best travel jobs - artist

Artists, by nature, are wanderers, traveling around the world to seek inspiration and mentorship. Thanks to technology, artists can live anywhere and still find an audience for their work, publishing pieces online, but also in galleries and local shops in cities throughout the world.

No qualifications required.


61. International Humanitarian Aid Worker

Best travel jobs - Humanitarian aid worker

Hard work but definitely rewarding, aid workers help people in need in all corners of the world. There are several organisations to choose from that are looking for people with a variety of skill sets and experience. While the pay is minimal, you can travel and, best yet, you can make an impact on the lives of people who are in need.

No qualifications required.


62. Archaeologist

Best travel jobs - archaeologist

Not something you can just jump into, becoming an archaeologist requires dedication and study. But, once you are one, you get to live a life of adventure, traveling to historic sites around the world, spending your days looking for ancient artefacts, like pottery, sacred sites, and, of course, fossils.

Qualifications required.


63. Athlete

Best travel jobs: Athlete

Athletes travel for training and competition, going around the world throughout the year. Depending on your sport, some events offer prize cash, compelling athletes to work harder and train more so that they can fuel their passion. Professional athletes, of course, get to travel and make a pretty penny while they do it.

Certification/qualifications generally required.


64. Event Coordinator

Best Travel Jobs: Event Manager

Event coordinators, otherwise known as event planners or event managers are crucial to the success of events, planning everything from set-up to take-down and everything in between. Event coordinators also work closely with vendors, ensuring that every aspect of the event is taken care of. Organisation and communication are a must for this job but a position as an event coordinator can take you anywhere in the world.

Certification generally required.


Event Management For Beginners

65. Flight Attendant

Best Travel Jobs: Flight Attendant

The uniform alone draws people to this travel job, but the travel itself is the real perk. Flight attendants serve passengers during the flight, but also prepare before flight and clean after flight. Taking care of passengers’ needs is a lot of work and you are almost constantly on your feet, but the ability to start your work day in one country and end in another makes all of that worthwhile.

Qualifications required.


Cabin Crew Academy: Land Your Dream Flight Attendant Job

66. Pilot

Best Travel Jobs: Pilot

Pilots, like airplanes, come in all shapes and sizes, working for a variety of airlines or for private clients. Pilots also serve in military services and in civic jobs, such as with hospitals or police. Licensed pilots are in high demand and can find jobs around the world, especially once they have experience under their wings.

Qualifications required.


67. Foreign Service Worker

Best Travel Jobs: Foreign Service Worker/Diplomat
Shawn Kobb is a traveling Diplomat – here he’s in The Bahamas

Foreign service workers work for the country, oftentimes providing diplomatic relations between themselves and other countries. Responsible for a variety of operations, you will plan, develop, and direct projects and members of your team. Travel is required with most foreign service worker positions, but you don’t always get to choose where you want to go.

Examination pass required.


68. Retail Buyer

Best Travel Jobs: Retail Buyer

Many people cite “retail buyer” as their dream job, loving the idea of getting paid to travel and shop. In reality, you do get to do both of those things, but it comes at the expense of throwing your hat into an industry that is fast-paced, cut-throat, and constantly evolving.

Qualifications an advantage but not essential.


69. Sales Rep

Best travel jobs: Sales Rep

A sales representative is someone that is hired by a company to promote sales for the business. Travel is often associated with the job because reps are required to meet with potential and current clients, creating or solidifying lucrative relationships. Sales reps are found in a variety of industries and will frequently travel around the globe.

Qualifications generally not required – skills essential.


Crush It!! Sales Strategies

70. Stagehand

Best Travel Jobs: Stagehand
Image via The New York Times

Stagehands are hired by production companies to help with the tasks associated with putting on live shows and plays. Being a stagehand is a great way to associate with the entertainment business, learning the ins and outs without ever having to be on stage yourself. As the show travels, so do you.


71. Hostel Worker

Best Travel Jobs: Hostel Worker
Ana Powell from the Youtube channel Around The World With Ana has worked in numerous hostels around the world

Hostels are in nearly every city around the world and almost all will at some point be in need of help. From checking guests in to assuring guests have a good (and safe) time, individuals who work within a hostel find themselves in fascinating conversations and make a lot of unique friends who share their passion for travel.

No qualifications or experience required.


72. Professional Chef

Best Travel Jobs: Chef

Professional chefs work in a variety of venues around the world, cooking dishes for every type of person. From high-end restaurants to food trucks, cruises to event catering, chefs can find jobs everywhere. Finding one they love, on the other hand, can be tricky – but at least you get to travel while you hunt!

Qualifications required.


73. Street Vendor

Best Travel Jobs: Street Vendor

Have a knack for selling? Street vendors set up, typically at local fairs and markets, selling goods that oftentimes they have created such as jewellery and crafts – but not always. Some street vendors find ways to sell every day, traveling frequently to find a new pocket for their goods. Many cities have laws about where and how you can sell on the street, so be sure to check before you set up shop.

No qualifications required.


74. Festival Vendor

Best travel jobs: Festival vendor
Chris Kingshott travels to festivals with his gourmet coffee van King Shots

Festival vendors travel with all types of festivals, selling everything from food and drinks to souvenirs and memorabilia. Festival vendors meet a lot of people as they travel, but are forced to move when the festival does, which means they can’t explore regions on a whim without missing the proverbial bus.

No qualifications required.


75. Festival/Event Worker

Best travel jobs: Festival worker
Image via Post Ads UK

Every festival and event requires workers to make sure everything goes smoothly. Some of these jobs are desirable, like interacting with people at the gate, and others are less so, like picking up trash or cleaning bathrooms. If you’re not picky, choosing a job at a festival means you get paid to travel as the festival moves from town to town.

No qualifications or experience required.


76. Commercial Fishing

Best travel jobs: Commercial fishing
Image via Commercial and Sport Fishing

No, it’s not fishing on the lake with your dad like you remember. Commercial fishing is a serious business that can be, at times, dangerous. For the adventurous at heart, commercial fishing offers the opportunity to make good money while seeing the world.

Training required.


77. Online Poker

Best travel jobs: Professional online poker player
Jim Makos has been playing online poker since 2006

Not only can you make money while you travel, playing online poker can make you serious money. Two things are important to consider. First, you need to understand how to play poker and actually be quite good at it. Second, you need to understand that not all online poker forums are legal and, even those that are, can be shut down without warning.

No qualifications required – skills essential.


Crush Micro Stakes Online Poker: The Complete Mastery Guide

78. Software Developer

Best travel jobs: Software Developer

Software developers can find work as consultants and contractors, getting to work anywhere in the world while they create solutions for businesses and individuals. Depending on the job, software developers can make good money, sometimes even negotiating stock in a company as part of their pay.

Qualifications preferred.


Software Development From A-Z

79. Working Holiday Visa Jobs

Best travel jobs: Working Holiday Visa jobs
Dutch traveler, Tom from Traveltomtom worked in Australia on the Working Holiday Visa

These types of jobs are ideal for those who want to travel but can’t make a living out of it. Working holiday visa jobs allow you to travel when you have time off, receiving a visa to enter a country and get paid legally within the country. These jobs, as you probably guessed, vary, but oftentimes are in the service and hospitality industries and can be found in countries like Australia and Canada.

No qualifications required.


80. Import/Export

Best travel jobs: Import/export
Image via Grand World Trading Company

Bringing products into a country and shipping products out of a country is required by many businesses. In fact, you can make a business yourself based on the simple “import/export” model. Things get tricky when you take into account various laws surrounding international trade, but once you know the system, these businesses and jobs can come with good pay.


Beginners Guide to Importing Products From Alibaba

81. International Hotel Chain Employee

Best travel jobs: International hotel chain employee

Starting to work for a hotel chain that has locations around the world can help you obtain the job you want, where you want it, in the future. Planning ahead and choosing a chain that is located where you want to go can give you options when the travel bug starts to make you itch.

Qualifications not essential – experience preferred.


Hotel Management Fundamentals: Kickstart Your Career Success

82. Bollywood Extra

Best travel Jobs: Bollywood extra
Carrie from Work Travel Repeat spent the day as a Bollywood extra

Maybe it’s a long shot, but you don’t really know until you try, do you? Bollywood, India’s Hollywood, is growing rapidly, producing movies and films at an incredible rate. So while your acting chops may have not drawn attention under the bright lights of Hollywood, who’s to say that Bollywood will be the same? Besides, if you look like a westerner, you’ve got a high chance of being scouted as a Bollywood extra! The pay isn’t great but it could do you fine while traveling in India on a budget.

No qualifications or experience required.


83. Military

Best travel jobs: military

Joining the military is a great way to serve your country while getting paid to travel. You may not get to choose where you go and you can’t always be sure of what your day-to-day will look like, but you can be sure that you will be making your family proud and getting to experience new places in the world.


84. Party Host Or Promoter

Best travel jobs: Party promoter
Image via Money Magpie

Being a party/club host or promoter is a great way to meet people and to work in a variety of locations. Hosts are responsible for ensuring that guests have their every need met, helping the organisation in different ways… Answering phones, taking reservations, bringing guests in and checking guest lists are just some of the tasks a host is responsible for.

No qualifications or experience required.


85. Scuba Instructor

Best travel jobs: Scuba Instructor

If you love the beach and the ocean, chances are you’ve thought of becoming a scuba instructor. And, if you haven’t, why not? Scuba instructors take groups and individuals out into the water, not just teaching them the basics of scuba, but also showing them the wonders of the ocean.

Certification required.


DEF Scuba Explorer Instructor Manual

86. Bartender

Best travel jobs: Bartender

Work all night, sleep all day, and live wherever you want – that’s the purported lifestyle of the bartender. Bartenders serve drinks to guests at restaurants, clubs, and other events, honing their skills at crafting the perfect cocktail. If you’re good, the tips can be lucrative and the work enjoyable.

No qualifications required – experience preferred.


Harvard Bartending Course: Become A Master Mixologist!

87. Beauty Therapist

Best travel jobs: Beauty therapist

A beauty therapist works with clients to help them achieve their beauty goals, from skin to hair, makeup and beauty routines. A beauty therapist often offers their clients facials and massages, although not all do. You can specialize in a specific niche, providing you with the opportunity to attract clients looking for your specific skill set.

Qualifications generally required.


Beauty Therapy – Massage And Body Treatments

88. House Sitter

Best travel jobs: Housesitting

The beauty of house sitting is that you get to travel while other people travel too. While they’re away, you’re also potentially away, watching their home while simultaneously exploring a new neighborhood and town. Professional house sitters are booked year round, planning their travel and jobs to a tee.

No experience required – experience an advantage.


House Sitting – How To Get FREE World Travel Accommodation

89. Pet Sitter

Best travel jobs: pet sitting
Image via Australian Dog Lover

Most pet sitters stay in the house with the pets while the owner is away, allowing them to travel while making money. Some pet sitters, however, bring pets to them, offering a sort of in-home boarding option for their clients. Pet sitters should be good with pets, obviously, but also great with people – they’re the ones that pay.

No experience required – experience an advantage.


Dog CPR, First Aid + Safety For Pet Pros + Dedicated Owners

90. Camp Leader/Host

Best travel jobs: Camp host
Image via SU QLD

Hosting a camp is much like hosting any event, only you are tasked with the job of watching over kids or teenagers, most likely. Camps are a fun getaway for kids during the summer months especially. Being a host for one means you get to travel to the camp locale and spend your downtime exploring.

No qualifications required – licensing may be required in certain countries.


91. Marine Biologist

Best travel jobs: Marine Biologist

Marine biologists are scientists that study ocean life. A degree is required, but, once obtained, is a passport to traveling to some of the most incredible places in the world. You get to spend your days doing what you love while playing an important role in the conservation of our world’s oceans and the animals and plants that call them home.

Qualifications required.


92. Online Bookkeeping

Best travel jobs: Bookkeeping

Bookkeepers work with clients who are looking for a solution to keeping their accounts straight. Bookkeeping requires you to manage accounts, making your clients confident that things, such as money, are being reported and accounted for properly. You get to work from anywhere in the world, but you must maintain organisation as you travel in order for this job to work.

Qualifications required.


Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business Course

93. Travel Consultant

Best travel jobs: Travel Agent

Working for a travel agency means you’ll be selling flights, hotels, tours and holiday packages to customers, earning a base wage plus commission. Working in sales for a travel agency means you will be interacting with customers and helping them to make decisions about their travel arrangements. Many of the sales positions will ask you to travel regularly in order to develop industry relationships but you’ll also get perks like free vacations when you meet certain goals and KPI’s.

Certification needed.


94. Travel Promotion

Best travel jobs: Travel Promotion

Travel promoters are similar to people in travel sales, working to persuade potential customers to choose whatever package, deal, or company they are offering. You can find short term backpacker jobs in travel promotion, which may require you to hand out brochures on the street, chat to people passing by, etc. This is a common occurrence in destinations like Byron Bay, Australia. Most of the time you’ll find jobs like this on local job boards like Gumtree.

No qualifications required.


95. Run A Business Mastermind

Best travel jobs: Run Business Masterminds
Our Business Mastermind in Brazil

Business masterminds are groups of people who have specific knowledge within an industry. Joining a business mastermind can help you make money by learning the secrets of success. Starting and running your own business mastermind, on the other hand, is a way to generate recurring income – most masterminds require a monthly subscription or a large upfront payment for access. You’ll be in charge of organising the events and speakers.

Strong business knowledge and connections a huge advantage.


Hang-out And Grow Rich

96. Outdoor Recreation Guide

Best travel jobs: Outdoor Recreation Guide
Image via Go2HR

Outdoor recreation guides help people explore the wilderness, taking them on tours in a variety of places all around the world. These guides are mostly hired by private companies, although some public agencies post jobs for guides in order to attract more people to their parks.


97. Island/National Park Caretaker

Best travel jobs: Park Ranger

Hired by the government or private island owners, caretakers are responsible for making sure that the park or island is healthy, monitoring things such as wildlife populations and the plants that make up the natural landscape. As a caretaker, you will spend most of your day outdoors, and tasks will vary significantly.

No qualifications required.


98. Group Translator

Best travel jobs: Group tour translator

If you are bilingual, being a group translator is a viable option for a fun and exciting travel job. A group translator travels with a diverse group, oftentimes in a foreign country, translating between them and the locals. Often these positions are quite casual, but sometimes they may be political and diplomatic.

No qualifications required – fluency in more than one language essential.


How To Be A Successful Freelance Translator

99. Marketing Manager

Best Travel Jobs: Marketing Manager

Marketing managers are responsible for overseeing their clients’ marketing projects. Oftentimes they are in charge of a team, directing members to complete necessary marketing tasks on time. These managers are needed around the world, but most are required to work in an office with the opportunity for business trips.

Qualifications often required.


Understanding Strategic Marketing

100. Corporate Trainer

Best travel jobs: Corporate trainer

Corporate trainers travel from branch to branch, providing training for new and current employees. These trainers help to teach the expectations of the corporation, taking employees through a variety of trainings designed to make them effective as well as loyal.

Qualifications/certification required.


Corporate Leadership And People Management

101. Portrait Photography Sales

Best Travel Jobs: Portrait Photography Sales
Image via The Wedding School

Selling portraits can take you to more places than you realise… Photographers and their studios will send salespeople to events, tops of mountains, beaches, remote towns and professional games all in the name of taking pictures and making money. Sometimes you may be gone for months at a time, canvassing in rural areas, others you may be gone for the weekend. We know someone who makes $100AUD per booking and often generates in excess of 3 bookings per day. Most opportunities can be found on Backpacker job boards and Gumtree. Say, cheese!

No qualifications required.


Portrait Photography Sales Mastery

Travel Jobs And Travel Business Ideas: The Next Step…

Yep, you just read through a giant list of 101 travel jobs… You may be feeling a little overwhelmed right now, or excited, or a bit of both.

Whatever the case, just know that there are options for everyone.

Yes, some of these jobs that let you travel do require higher qualifications but others don’t require you to have any (just as long as you can get the job done).

And as you probably noticed, a lot of these traveling jobs don’t even require you to apply for them, because they allow you to be self-employed… How good is that?

It means you can literally start working on your dream of getting paid to travel around the world as of right now!

So what’s next?

You now know about all of these jobs that let you travel, but how do you actually start making money from them?

Well, my advice to you is this…

4 Steps To Make Money While Traveling

Step 1: Use The Resources

Choose the travel jobs and career options that most appeal to you in this list and then thoroughly go through the resources that I have added.

If there is a course or book in the resources section, it’s there for a good reason…

Because it’s going to teach you exactly how to set yourself up in that area and start earning an income while you travel.

If this is something you really want, please don’t be a fence-sitter (life’s too short for that)…

You can either choose to ignore the advice and go about it yourself, hoping you’ll make a living while traveling one day (but not actually having a clue how to do it)…

Or you can follow the advice, put the strategies into action and make your investment back with the income you’ve successfully generated while traveling (and have your own business or travel job at the end of it).

Honestly, I know which one I’d choose!

** For more detailed information on the courses we most recommend, check out this resource: 15 Awesome Travel Job Courses That’ll Teach You How To Work From Anywhere

Step 2: Immediately Fire Your New Knowledge Into Action…

You know what? You can have all the knowledge in the world but it’s pretty useless if you don’t put it into action.

Every time you read or learn something about your chosen travel career, put it into action as soon as you learn it…

If you want to be a blogger and earn an income from affiliate marketing, watch the tutorials and work on your blog at the exact same time…

Don’t put it off for later, because the longer you leave it, the longer you’ll go without income, the longer you’ll be stuck doing something you don’t want.

Step 3: Read our eBook, 12 Steps To Full Time Travel

This 50 page eBook is written and formatted very simply for you to understand exactly how digital nomads are able to live, travel and work around the world full time – and how you can too.

Dan and I are letting you have this eBook free of charge for a limited time, so I’d grab it now before it comes at a fee.

PLUS, I’ve got a bonus for you! So I guess this a bonus on top of a bonus?

Download the eBook now and I’ll send you a series of info packed emails on how to create a life of travel! You’ll get tips on the best websites to apply for these travel jobs, how to pay tax while traveling, how to save money on the road and way more!

=> Click Here To Receive Your Complimentary eBook And Email Series

Step 4: Book A Skype Session With Me

Lost in this world of infinite travel job opportunities you didn’t actually know about until now? Gone through the resources and still don’t know how to get started? Need guidance? Sick of all these questions?

Ok I’ll stop.

But, if this is the case, I’m here to guide you through.

As I touched on earlier, Dan and I met whilst traveling solo in Thailand at the end of 2013…

We instantly formed a liking for each other and were soon planning our next adventures in other parts of the world together. But there was a problem…

I had only saved $4,500 and soon enough that money was going to run out. How would I continue supporting myself?

We were left with 2 options…

Either go our separate ways until I could save enough money back in Australia to meet him again… And continue having to do that every time the money ran out…

Or join forces and work together on taking his online business international.

We chose the latter, obviously.

Dan taught me the ropes of how to get paid while traveling and ever since then I have been his location independent digital nomad sidekick, earning an income online through digital marketing and tutoring.

And just so you know a bit more about his background, Dan has spent the past 10 years running a digital media company in Brazil (whilst traveling), which now employs 20+ people, generates 6 figures a month and is expanding internationally.

We absolutely love helping people like you to achieve your dreams through finding the right career that fits with your lifestyle…

And if traveling the world is your ultimate dream, we’re gonna get along very, very well.

We offer one-on-one Skype sessions to help and guide you towards earning your first $ online as an entrepreneur, freelancer or remote employee, and then scale that, so you can ultimately travel more.

Want to have a chat about your options or learn more about how to run a business while traveling?

Drop an email to me at letting me know you’re interested and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Also read16 Digital Nomad Jobs For People Who Want To Travel The World

Summing Everything Up

Phew! This was a big one… but I hope that my list of travel jobs has been helpful for you.

I know how it is Googling for jobs that let you travel… I’ve been there, done that and there’s just so much confusing content to sort through before you can get to any kind of meaty advice…

While I couldn’t give highly detailed descriptions and how-to’s for all the travel jobs on this list (we’d be here for years), I’ve done my best to show you a range of other helpful resources that will guide you towards success in your chosen travel career, including the courses and our one-on-one consultations.

As always, if you have any questions at all about how to get paid to travel, becoming a digital nomad, location independence or travel in general, I’ll be waiting to help you out in the comments section below. 🙂

To your future full time travel success! See you out there.

Oh and one last thingIf this post was at all useful to you, please share it with your friends who are also interested in finding travel jobs so they can benefit from it too!

Start traveling full time ASAP: Save this ultimate list of 101 travel jobs on Pinterest for quick reference (choose your preferred image) >>

So you want to make money while traveling? Here's our ultimate list of 101 amazing travel jobs that let you travel and earn a living from anywhere! So you want to make money while traveling? Here's our ultimate list of 101 amazing travel jobs that let you travel and earn a living from anywhere! So you want to make money while traveling? Here's our ultimate list of 101 amazing travel jobs that let you travel and earn a living from anywhere! So you want to make money while traveling? Here's our ultimate list of 101 amazing travel jobs that let you travel and earn a living from anywhere!

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