If you are looking for a credit card that gives reward packages and exclusive deals, a Canara Bank Credit Card might be for you. Canara Bank has a wide variety of credit cards, which means you could find one right for you. If you have been on the hunt for a new credit card, you know there are a ton of options.
Since there are so many options, the important thing is to figure out what you need. It is a great idea to sit down with pad and paper and list what you want from a credit card. You should decide what is most important to you, and that could be rewards, interest rates or even payback terms.
Our editors have selected the the Canara Visa Classic Credit Card for folks looking for a beginner credit card that has great rewards. We have provided all of the details about the credit card below. Make sure you read through everything before you decide whether or not this this Canara Bank Credit Card is right.

What are the Benefits of a Canara Bank Credit Card?
To help you understand the privileges you get with a Canara Bank Credit Card, let’s shed a spotlight on the Canara Visa Classic Credit Card (also available in Mastercard). Considered an entry-level card, this Canara Bank credit card features all the standard functions of a regular credit card and more. With worldwide acceptance, you can use this card to shop and earn rewards.
This points program offers 2 rewards points for every Rs. 100 spent using your credit card on supermarket purchases, fuel, shopping, dining, and more. As a cardholder, you are automatically enrolled in this program, allowing you to earn with every swipe.
Redeem your rewards points through their Canara Rewards program. Here, you can enjoy movie tickets, airline miles and tickets, various products and appliances, hotel accommodations, DTH recharge, and in-store shopping. Should you be interested in spending your cash back privileges, relax. You won’t have to worry about anything since these are automatically recorded in your account.
What are the Fees of a Canara Bank Credit Card?
The great thing about applying for a Canara Visa Classic Credit Card is that it has absolutely Rs 0 enrollment fee! But that’s not all! You’ll also enjoy NO annual fee for both principal and supplementary cardholders!
However, other charges you need to bear in mind include the 2.5% monthly interest rate, a foreign transaction fee of up to 3%, and late payment charges ranging from Rs. 10 to Rs. 300.
With these benefits laid out, it’s easy to see why a Canara Bank Credit Card is a fantastic starter card offering plenty of rewards and perks. With this in your arsenal, you can certainly earn back on every swipe.

How to Apply for a Canara Bank Credit Card
Applying for a Canara Bank Credit Card is fairly simple. All you need to do is fill out the application found on their website and send it to their email together with your personal documents. These documentary requirements include proof of income, proof of address, proof of identity, a valid passport-sized photograph, and your PAN card.
To apply, you must be between the ages of 21 to 60, with a minimum income of Rs. 100,000 per annum. After you apply on the website, the bank will look into your financial position.
Through the documents you have provided, they will determine the status of your credit card application. If approved, they will set your credit card limit, starting at Rs. 10,000, depending on your income.
How to Contact Canara Bank India
Head office
112, J C Road,
Bangalore, 560002
Karnataka, India
Telephone: 1 800 425 0018
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.