Lifestyle Page 12


StoryV Travel & Lifestyle aims to uncover how you can combine both your passion for traveling and your comfortable lifestyle to create more time, more freedom and more amazing experiences.

We look at ways in which you can turn travel INTO a lifestyle and continue to enjoy a good quality of life.

In this section of the site you will find tips and strategies to become location independent and earn a living from anywhere as well as inspirational and how-to articles on productivity, mindset, health & well-being, expat life, finance and more.

If you have any article suggestions that you think belongs in our lifestyle section, please send your pitch via our contact form.

10 Houseplants For Stress And Indoor Air Quality

10 Houseplants For Stress And Indoor Air Quality

Houseplants are more than just a decoration to any home; they are an amazing source of oxygen, especially if you live in a big...

Dress Code: Wedding Guest DO’s and DONT’s

We’ve all been there; we receive the wedding invitation and we get excited for the couple. However, that excitement is short-lived when we face...

Coconut Oil: Beauty And Health Miracle

Coconut oil has numerous health and beauty benefits. Here are a few ideas on how to get the best out of this nature's product.

Personal Development: Key To Long-Term Happiness

Personal development is a skill and a lifestyle designed to make you grow as a person and achieve your goals. Start today and keep going!

Overcoming The Downsides Of Remote Jobs

Having a emote job is great but it's not made for everyone. Here are the most common bad sides of working from home and how to deal with them.

Modern Home Makeover With Bold Wallpapers

Make a loud statement and show of your big personality with small yet significant change at your home: just add wallpapers!
Mindfulness meditation : the art of being in the moment

How To Get Started With Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is all about paying attention to your feelings, thoughts, movements, and behaviors, or simply being present in whatever your're doing.
travel jobs outside the internet

Travel Job Ideas For Outdoor Enthusiasts

This article will give you some travel job ideas on how to turn your hobbies/passion into a profitable career that will make you feel great at the same time.
Self-esteem brings life of happiness

Building Self-Esteem & Preparing For Success

Self-esteem is not something you earn but something you build by changing habits and treating yourself with love and respect. Accepting yourself is key to a better and successful life.
digital nomad life in Europe

Digital Nomad Life: Popular Cities In Europe

Once you decide to start a new life as a digital nomad, you already have an idea about some places you want to visit....

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Discover How to Save Up to 70% on Airfare Tickets

Are you looking for ways to cut travel costs? Discovering major discounts on airfare is not just a possibility—it's a reality. With the right...