Looking for a NO fee credit card that you can use for everyday purchases and online shopping? On a budget but need financial back-up when unexpected bills pop up? Accepted worldwide, the Citi Simplicity+ Card is exactly what you need. Learn how you can request a Citibank credit card.
Depending on which Citibank credit card you choose from, you will be able to do things like purchase goods, shop online, pay in installments and make cash advances.
For the more premium cards, you’ll also be able to gain rewards points, receive free travel insurance and get access to airport lounges around the world. Here’s how to order a Citibank credit card.
Citibank Credit Card
Because each Citibank credit card comes with it’s own unique perks and benefits, the credit card you choose will depend on your lifestyle and budget. To better understand Citibank’s credit card advantages, let’s take a look at the Citi Simplicity+ Card, the cheapest deal we’ve found on the financial market.
The Citi Simplicity+ Card is a basic everyday credit card with absolutely No Annual Fee, No Late Fees and No Overlimit Fees, making it perfect for those who want to keep it simple and inexpensive to own a credit card. The card also comes with some exclusive perks you’ll want to pay attention to…
Citi Simplicity+ Card Benefits
Apart from NO Fees, you get to enjoy 10% back on interest charges when you pay at least the minimum due on or before the due date.
You will also get access to Citi Privileges. This is an exclusive perk of being a Citibank credit card holder. You can get up to 50% off on flights, hotels, and staycation packages; Up to 50% off and other exclusive dining deals at participating restaurants in the Metro; and Special online deals from your favorite shopping, dining, and other lifestyle sites.
For added security, this card also comes with an embedded chip that protects you from credit card fraud.
Citibank Credit Card Fees
Citibank credit card fees vary from the basic cards through to the elite, so to keep it simple, we’ll take a look at the bank fees of the Citi Simplicity+ Card again.
This credit card offers a ₱0 annual fee for life for you and a supplementary cardholder. It is one of the very few credit cards on the market that never charges you an annual fee.
Not only that, you’ll never be charged late payment fees or over-limit fees! Try and find another credit card that’ll match that!
Some other fees you should take note of, however, are the cash advance fee (3% of the amount withdrawn or ₱500 – whichever is higher) and foreign transaction fee (3.525% of the converted amount).
The interest rate for all Citibank credit cards is 3.50%.
For a Citibank credit card, your limit may be anywhere from ₱5,000 to ₱300,000. The exact limit amount will be decided by the bank based on your financial analysis.
Request the Citibank Credit Card
You can apply for a Citibank credit card through the online form on the Citibank website. Requirements include: Proof of ID (must be 21+) and proof of income. As an idea of income requirements, the Citi Simplicity+ Card requires you to have an annual salary of ₱180,000.
Fill out the online credit card application and provide the required documents, then the bank will look into your financial position and determine whether your credit card application is approved or denied. If approved, the bank will set your credit card limit based on your financial analysis.
How to Contact the Bank
If you would like to learn more about this offer, contact the bank at +63 2 8995 9999, or use their live chat option on the website. Additionally, you can also visit their head office at 34th Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig, 1634.
Overall, the Citibank credit card is a brilliant choice if you’re looking to keep it simple with a budget credit card that allows you to shop online, pay in installments and receive special perks.
Disclaimer: There are risks involved when applying for and using credit products. Ensure you consult the bank’s terms and conditions page before agreeing to anything.