Credit cards are an essential for almost anyone today. You simply can’t get around the fact that the world works around established lines of credit. So, if you want to make adult purchases, you are going to need a credit card of your own.
That may not be the best thing for you personally, but it somehow keeps the economy stable. Countries need a little bit of debt to run smoothly. That’s what credit cards provide the economy with.
Cards like the UOB PRVI Miles Card not only provide a means of payment; but also, you can earn rewards from it when you spend. With well-publicized miles and cashback rewards, it’s hard to ignore it. You can get more info on services, fees, and eligibility below.
Benefits And Features Of UOB PRVI Miles Credit Card
First of all, you get a complementary cover worth around S$500,000. This is for the case in which an accident or death may occur on your travels. You, however, have to charge your whole fare to this card to enjoy the cover.
When you spend a minimum of S$50,000 annually, you earn 20,000 miles per year, as well. Users also earn 6 Miles for expenditure on major airlines through UOB Travel, Agoda, and Expedia. Hotel booking is included. There are no caps to how many miles you can earn. Some might argue that this is the ultimate travel rewards card.
Eligibility And How To Apply For UOB PRVI Miles Credit Card
To be eligible for this specific card, it is required of you to meet certain requirements set by the bank. Among the requirements you have to meet are age and employment status. You have to be at least 21 years old to get the card.
You also, have to earn at least S$30,000 annually for Singaporeans. Foreigners, on the other hand, have to be earning at least S$40,000.
You also have to provide documents supporting the same when applying for the card. These are the documents that are required.
- Copy of both sides of NRIC – principal and supplementary
- A computerized copy of your last payslip
- For self-employed individuals, make sure you produce the last 2 years’ income tax notices
To apply for this card, you can visit the UOB website and start the process quite easily. Just click on the personal menu, then credit cards. After, choose the card you want. In this case, choose UOB PRVI Miles Credit Card.
Charges, Fees, etc.
Credit cards charge fees to make a profit out of their business. Some fees that are associated with these cards are usually in the public domain, while others aren’t. Before you apply for any card, ensure that you have inquired about them by speaking to a bank representative or scouring through the website’s information.
Here are some fees and charges associated with the UOB PRVI Miles Credit Card.
- The annual principal fee is set at S$257
- The supplementary annual fee is set at S$128
- The annual interest rate of the card is set at 25.90%
- Your late payment will cost you at least S$90
- For foreign currency transaction, there’s a 3.25% fee of the transaction
- Cash advances are at a 6% fee of the borrowed amount
- Overlimit will incur a S$40 fee
The annual fee charged to this card is waived in the first year. The supplementary cards, on the other hand, are free for the first two cards.
Bank Contact Info And Address
If you must contact someone at the bank, there’s an all-year-round 24/7 customer support line reachable at +65 1800 222 2121. The bank’s address is 80 Raffles Plaza, 1 UOB Plaza, Singapore 048624.
Miles Rewards
With well-publicized miles awards, it’s no secret why the miles are the standout features of this UOB PRVI Miles Credit Card. Here are some of the mile rewards you can earn with this card.
- 2.4 Miles for every S$1 spent on overseas buys
- 6 miles for every S$1 spent on hotel booking and major airlines. Purchases should be made through Expedia to earn the miles
- When you spend on bus fares, train rides, and pay via contactless (tap and pay), you earn 4.4 miles
- Overseas dining and shopping earns you 4.4 miles
This card is simply for those people who love to shop online. And majorly for those who enjoy traveling, as well. Not only do you earn travel rewards, but you get the convenience of a card made for a fast-paced lifestyle.
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.Â