With the many perks and rewards earned through credit cards, it’s becoming increasingly hard to choose from the many options. Credit cards have become so useful to the day-to-day life, that you will definitely need at least one. They are no longer the luxury tools they were first thought to be.
With the likes of the Citi Cash Back card, you know you’re at least assured of cashback on your purchases. However, that is not all such cards have to offer; you get a number of rewards as well. This card also happens to over travel insurance coverage.
For more info on the eligibility, fees, and other factors pertaining to this card, read on. If you’re interested in reaping these rewards from this Citi Cash Back Credit Card, more info is listed below. After all, it is important to understand all of the details before deciding to apply for any card.
What The Citi Cash Back Credit Card Offers
First of all, one benefit that makes this card stand out is the 8% cashback on dining at restaurants and cafes daily – worldwide. You also get 8% cash back on grocery stores and supermarkets worldwide. Though it is capped at S$25 per category, it’s still one of the highest in the market.
On top of that, users also get 0.25% cash back on other retail purchases. Another feature that makes this card a must-consider when looking for your next card is the up to S$1,000,000 worth of insurance coverage. This cover is activated when your ticket fare is charged entirely through the card.
The minimum retail spending you’re allowed, however, is S$888 per month with your cashback capped at S$25 per category of purchase.
Are You Eligible?
For approval with this card, you have to be at least 21-years-old and must be earning. Singaporeans should earn at least S$30,000 annually. Foreigners, on the other hand, have to earn at least S$42,000 annually.
For your application process, you have to produce some documents to support your consideration. First, you have to have a passport/NRIC and your latest payslip (computerized). Self-employed persons, on the other hand, have to produce NRIC/Passport, their last three months’ of bank statements, and two years of their income tax reports.
To apply for the card, you can visit the Citi Bank website and click on the credit card menu. You then, should select the Citi Cash Back Credit Card and click the ‘apply now’ button at the bottom of your screen. You will then be taken to the application form where you can enter the information and documents discussed above.
Understand The Fees And Charges
Some of the fees and charges associated with this card may not be revealed until you ask the bank about them. Here are some of the charges you’ll likely incur with the Citi Cash Back Credit Card.
- S$192.60 Annual Principal Fee (1st year is waived)
- For late payment, you have to pay S$100
- Annual interest rate is charged at 26.90%
- For a cash advance, you’ll have S$15 fee attached to it or 6% of your borrowed amount, whichever is higher
- If you go over the limit of your cap, there’s an S$40 fee charged
Contact Citi Bank With Questions Or Concerns
To get in touch with someone at the bank, you can use the 24/7 toll-free customer care line +65 6225 5225. Also, the bank’s address is 8 Marina View, Asia Square, Tower 1, #21-00 Singapore.
Big Savings On Petrol
One of the special features you get when you possess this card is the petrol discounts you earn. The select stations where you can enjoy these privileges are Esso and Shell.
Esso Station – 22% Discount
5% Esso site discount
4% Citi Card discount
5% Esso Smiles Card
8% Citi cash back with the Citi Cash Back Card
Shell Station – 22% Discount
5% Shell site discount
5% Shell Escape discount
8% Citi cash back with the Citi Cash Back Card
4% Citi Card discount
The rewards are big when paying with your Citi Cash Back Card at these two stations. To earn the said rewards, you have to have a total minimum retail spending of S$888 per month.
For a well-rounded card that can help you earn cashback on your purchases and also offer you great discounts at gas stations, this is the card. The Citi Cash Back Card, not only offers cashback as a primary rewards program but also bonus cash back on certain purchases.
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.Â