The number of credit cards in the market today is slowly but surely swelling. This is because, as much as people are advised to pay with cash, they prefer cards. At times, you don’t have cash on you, and credit cards become your saving grace.
Not only are credit cards good to pay your bills with, but they also earn you great rewards when you use them wisely. From travel rewards to cashback, there’s a lot to be happy with when you have a card on hand.
The OCBC 365 Credit card is one such card; with benefits such as lifestyle privileges and luxury hotel stays, you must get one. With info on fees, services, and much more below, you should definitely read on.
Features/Benefits Of OCBC 365 Credit Card
One of the benefits you get with this card is the S$500,000 insurance cover on your travels. This happens when you charge your entire trip to this OCBC 365 Credit Card. You also get a 24-hour concierge service from Visa. This is from anywhere you are in the world.
With all participating hotels and resorts, you get Visa upgrades for your hotel rooms when you travel on this card. There’s also a 3% cashback on your utility bills – more so your recurring bills. On your other expenses, you earn 0.3% cashback. 6% cashback also applies to your dining when you dine overseas (and even local dining, as well). The 6% cashback also applies to online food delivery.
Eligibility And Application Info For OCBC 365 Credit Card
There are certain criteria that you have to meet before you’re approved for this OCBC 365 Credit Card. Like any other card, the criteria are set so as to determine your creditworthiness. No one wants to lend someone who won’t pay.
First, you have to be 21 years old before you can apply for this card. You also have to be earning. Locals have to earn at least S$30,000 annually. On the other hand, foreigners should be earning S$45000 annually to be eligible.
You can start applying by clicking the ‘apply online’ button to when visiting the OCBC website.
To apply for this card, just select the personal banking menu when you get there. Then, click cards before you click on the type of card you wish to apply for on the next page. In this case, you’ll be picking OCBC 365 Credit Card. The bank reserves the right to approve or deny your application.
Fees And Charges
Almost every card in the market has fees and charges associated with it. Some of these fees are in the public domain, while others require you to ask your bank about them. The best idea is to ask your bank about the fees before applying.
Here are some fees and charges associated with OCBC 365 Credit Card.
- The annual principal fee is set at S$192.60
- The annual supplementary fee is set at S$96.30
- The annual interest rate of the card is set at 25.90%
- Your late payment will cost you at least S$90
- For foreign currency transaction, there’s a 3.25% fee of the transaction
- Cash advances are charged at a S$15 or a 6% fee of the borrowed amount, whichever is greater.
- Overlimit will incur a S$40 fee
The annual fees (principal and supplementary) are both waived for the first two years.
Bank Contact Info/Adress
If you must contact someone at the bank, there’s an all-year-round 24/7 customer support line reachable at +65 6363 3333. The bank’s address is at 63 Chulia Street #10-00 OCBC Centre East Singapore 049514.
Special Fuel Feature
One of the most special features that are associated with this card comes into play when you fuel up at the gas station.
- First of all, you earn a 5% cashback on your fuel expenses at all stations
- When filling your tank at Caltex, you get up to 22% fuel savings – 18% instant discount
- Then you also get 20.4% when you spend at Esso
With cards like this OCBC 365 Credit Card, you are sure to get discounts and various rewards, as well. The fees charged on the card, when compared with the rewards, prove to be worth the diligent card usage involved.
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.Â