Are you looking for a credit card that is reliable and gives you a lot of buying power? An African Bank credit card might the best option for you. With this credit card, you can pay for anything that you want without the use of any cash and enjoy a very convenient and comfortable shopping experience.
Cardholders can get the most out of the card if they use it for dining, traveling, hotel bookings, and more. To learn more, check out this guide on how to apply for an African Bank credit card.
Get the Credit Card That Suits Your Lifestyle
Many credit cards come with different kinds of perks and the African Bank credit card is no exception. This credit card offers a lot of good deals that you can enjoy, all because it is a Visa card.
The African Bank credit card can be used all over the world and is accepted in all merchants and ATMs that have the Visa logo.
The card also features safety measures and can be used for cash withdrawals. Cardholders can receive free SMS notifications for all successful transactions, whether they use it for dining, shopping, and anything in between.
If you want a credit card that suits your lifestyle, the African Bank credit card has it all.
Features and Benefits
The African Bank Black credit card has many features, and one specific benefit that you get, especially if you have a positive balance, is you get to earn up to 3% interest on the card.
You also get up to 62 days free from any type of interest when you settle your balance on every due date. Interest rates can go as low as 3% with a monthly service fee of R55. The interest rates are variable depending on your creditworthiness.
Cash withdrawals on participating ATMs will be R13 and declined transactions incur an R8 charge per transaction. When you withdraw money from an international ATM, you’ll incur R50 per withdrawal.
Banking on the Move
When you have the African Bank credit card, you can also link the card to the mobile banking app. Register your account and safely access it through the app.
You can perform different transactions such as transferring money and paying your bill every month directly from within the app. The best part is that you can do it anywhere and at any time so you don’t have to go to an ATM to withdraw cash.
You can even set your own personalized transaction limit through the app so that you will never go beyond your credit limit. You’ll receive an SMS notification if you’re about to reach this threshold.
Shop Online Using the Card
The African Bank Black credit card opens up a lot of opportunities for you to shop conveniently. With its online shopping feature, you can shop anywhere at any time and pay for it using your card.
Make secure payments online with a credit card even without leaving your home. Simply ensure that you provide all the necessary details during checkout and you can pay for everything in just one transaction.
Online shopping has never been this easy with the African Bank credit card.
Make Easy Payments
Making payments used to be a hassle. You had to send in your payment on time by mail or go to the bank to pay your bill in person.
With the African Bank credit card, there are more ways for you to make your payments. You can settle your bill through online payments, pay-in-line, make a phone call, debt order, or simply by visiting your local branch.
Make easy payments now that you have a lot of options to choose from.
No More Waiting Time Once Approved
One of the best features to come out of the African Bank credit card is that you don’t have to wait several days just to get your new credit card once you’re approved.
From the moment you receive the prompt that you are approved, all you need to do is to visit the nearest branch and you will immediately get your personalized and embossed credit card.
Eligibility Requirements
If you’re planning on applying for the African Bank credit card, here’s what you need to know and prepare beforehand. You need to be 18 years old to apply for the card.
You must also have an income, whether you are employed or self-employed and applicants must present proof of income such as tax returns and pay slips. They can also present a bank statement that reflects the last three months’ salary for employed applicants.
For more information, you can contact African Bank at 0861 000 555 or +27 11 256 9988. You can also dial *120*225# on your mobile phone or use the African Bank app to get in touch with a bank representative.
You may also visit your local branch or the main office at 59 16th Road, Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
How to Apply for the African Bank Credit Card
Once you have the documents prepared, you can proceed in applying for the credit card. You can apply at your local African Bank and bring the documents with you.
You can also apply online through the official website and select “Apply Now”. Enter the details in the required field and review them before submitting them. Make sure that you also read the terms and conditions thoroughly before you submit your application.
After that, wait for the update that you have been approved or denied, and head over to the nearest African Bank branch once approved to get your card.
A reliable every day credit card is what you need especially if you want to have a lot of perks and benefits. Applying for the African Bank Black credit card is a smart choice if you want to have a credit card that fits your lifestyle. Apply now and enjoy the exclusive benefits and features.
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using credit. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.