Diamonds, limited designer bags, and private planes are no longer on the priority list of the wealthiest people in the world. The so-called 1% has been spending more money on health, education and wellness while bragging about unique handmade clothes is now considered tacky.
According to Vogue, Business Insider and other significant publications, new parents are more focused on getting their kids the best education and life experiences, especially traveling to unique locations.
Forget Cartier, It’s All About Wellness, Traveling and Education

During the last few decades, we have been exposed to unnatural display of wealth, starting with TV shows like Dynasty, movies like Richie Rich, all the way to MTV’s Cribs and other reality shows. We learned the meaning of new money, but these are changing rapidly and the richest people are no longer obsessed with material goods.
The Rise of Wellness

From green juices, special gyms, nutritionists to piles of fresh produce and hard-to-find supplements and organic facials, the rich are now spending more to look and feel better without going under the knife.
Now, it seems that living the best life means appreciating both your body and mind.
The Importance of Education

With the rise of “famous for being famous,” Instagram models and treating couture pieces as part of our everyday outfits, we got stuck in a material world where people used to be easily distracted by sparkly objects. But the tables have turned.
Getting into an Ivy League school and finding private tutors are some of the must-haves for the 1%. While it may seem obscene, the richest are promoting education and making knowledge fashionable again, which is important considering how much power and influence their children have in the social media world.
The Different Kinds of Luxury Properties

Having a place on the Upper East Side was considered to be part of every rich family, which some us learned from Gossip Girl. Now, of course, that having a place in the city will never be out of style, but the rich have decided to make their getaway places their new homes.
Instead of buying their privacy, the rich are now buying houses away from the crowded hot spots. They want to enjoy nature, go hiking and spend days in the sun. Without the paparazzi and other distractions, this leads us to new traveling destinations.
Traveling Like a Billionaire

We all know which places attract the rich, but we don’t really know which destinations are the ones adored by the richest of them all. It is not Bora Bora or Hawaii. They always look for new go-to locations.
Going to Galapagos for a family vacation is a new luxury. Again, getting in touch with nature is the new way to live.
Matters of Health

Investing in retirement and health is nothing new, and the billionaires take it to the extreme. Not only that they are taking their fitness very seriously, but they also put money into wellness and health plans.
Don’t think that we are seeing the last of consumerism or oversharing on social media. The middle class and new money are still obsessing over Gucci’s logo belt, Louis Vuitton handbag, and Rolex watches. But the richest people on the planet are trying to change their lifestyles for the better and eventually, it will catch on.

The new generations are far more open to having a better life; they aspire to be more like the Royals and less like the Kardashians, despite being raised in the social media era. Showing off logos is considered tacky and doing things the Hollywood way is no longer acceptable, which comes as no surprise. We have learned so much about privileged life in the past decade that changing the pattern of thinking is natural since humans are always evolving.
We will never live in a classless society but it does feel good to know that we are more alike now than 10 or 20 years ago.