With credit cards being in competition to provide the best perks to their users, it can be hard to pick the most appealing one. Credit cards are how almost everyone manages to make essential payments today. Plus, many companies, such as Singapore Airlines, now offer specialized credited cards.
And it’s not just local issuers competing for the obviously high market base, but foreign issuers as well. And with that, cards like the American Express® Airlines KrisFlyer Credit Card are top contenders today. This card offers some of the best perks on the market, among them travel and lifestyle maintenance.
Not that, you also get silk privileges on this card. If you’d like to know more about this amazing card, continue reading. We will tell you all about the finer details of this card, as well as how you can apply.
Cardholder Perks
One of the primary benefits of this card is the 1.1 miles rewarded for every dollar spent. You also get two miles for every dollar spent in a foreign currency.
The other perk you get with this card is two miles for every dollar spent on the SingaporeAir mobile app, at the KrisShop, and on SilkAir as well. There’s no cap on how many miles you can earn. For each approved supplementary card you earn 1,500 KrisFlyer miles.
When you spend a minimum of S$5,000 within your first three months of opening the card, you get 8,000 KrisFlyer miles. You can also transfer your KrisFlyer miles to your KrisFlyer account free of charge. Further, you also get cashback of around S$150 on S$1,200 spent with Singapore Airlines (online purchases).
Are You Eligible?
Like most credit cards on the market, in addition to your credit score, there are other factors that determine your eligibility. In this case, your age is a defining factor of whether or not you’ll get the card. You have to be at least 21 years old to be eligible for the card.
Also, you have to have a consistent source of income with a minimum of S$30,000 annually for local and other residents. For foreigners, your annual income should be around S$60,000.
For verification of your employment status, you have to provide the following documents if you want to apply. However, locals and foreigners have different requirements, as you can see below.
If you are local, these are the documents you will need to provide.
- A copy of NRIC or passport
- An employment pass (front and back)
- If you are self-employed, you’ll have to produce you income tax assessment
If you are foreign, these are the documents you will need to provide.
- Proof you are a holder of the P1 or P2, or alternatively hold a Q Type Employment pass
- All Q holders should ensure that they have a 1-year validity on their passes, at a minimum
The easiest way to apply for this card is through the official American Express Singapore website.
The Details: Fees And Other Charges
With credit cards, you can expect fees. One of the fees attached to the card is an annual fee of $175 that is waived in the first year of opening the card. There’s also a $54 fee on supplementary cards, annually. The fee is also waived in the first year of using the card.
There’s also a late fee of $90 and interest is charged at 25% annually on purchases, but is calculated daily. That fee applies until the balance is paid off. The other fee you want to know about is the 25% fee on cash advances with the card. Again, this fee is applied until your balance is paid off.
Bank Contact Info And Address
You can get in touch for more info using the 24-hour customer service line, 1800 299 1997. Or you can check out the website for more info on contact information. You can also visit their office at 11 Marina Boulevard, Financial Centre Tower 1, Singapore.
Insurance Coverage And Referral Benefits
Some of the special features you get with this card are up to S$350,000 on travel accident coverage, which allows you to travel with peace of mind. Also, the same amount is applied for all travel inconveniences when you charge all your travel expenses on the card.
You also get an emergency replacement of the card within one business day all across the world. The other exciting special feature is the 5,000 KrisFlyer miles you get when you refer a friend and they are successfully approved.
If you’re looking at lifestyle maintenance and travel gift cards, this card should be on your list. The best part about the American Express® Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer Credit Card is that you get miles for referring your friends. Coupled with the other exciting perks listed above, you have a travel reward card that isn’t easily matched.
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.