“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” – Zig Ziglar
Do you want to feel an abundance of health and love every day of your life?
Can you recognize the simple pleasures in everyday life?
Do you know what you can achieve by simply expressing gratitude? All of the questions will be answered here and now, including the easiest way to start being more appreciative and grateful for every aspect of your life.
How To Express Gratitude and Why Is It Important To Be Grateful
It may seem too easy, but being grateful is a simple, yet powerful emotion which can lead to a better life. It is beneficial to your sleep, your emotional intelligence, and it wakes up your compassion and inner strength. And, yes, after just one article you will learn all you need to know about gratitude and its benefits.
The effects of gratitude are long-lasting
It doesn’t matter if you are expressing gratitude in a form of a prayer or through meditation, the effects are not temporary. At that moment you will feel happier and it will seem like you are on top of the world. That euphoria will last for a few seconds, minutes if you are lucky, but the feeling of abundance will follow you months, even years to come.
Gratitude as a tool
In order to see that the glass is half full, you need to recognize that this powerful emotion, feeling grateful, is a tool. When you use it don’t just think of yourself, think of the people around you, think of the places and smells, sounds, everything and everyone that make your life whole. Be grateful even for your grumpy boss, because you have a job, nice coworkers and a beautiful home.
How to become grateful
It takes a minimum of 21 days for our brains to create a habit. So, for the next three weeks make sure you end your day with a gratitude journal. Write down at least three things that made your day and start every sentence with “I am grateful for…”.
Gratitude is part of our heritage
We teach our children to be kind, to say “Thank you”, but we forget to take those manners into adulthood. This is not a new concept invented by millennials, even though they did bring gratitude back into vocabulary. Our ancestors used it in a form of a prayer, older generations still say grace before dinner and that is what it is all about. Just saying thank you for the simplest things in life.
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” —Robert Brault
How to express gratitude?
You cannot make a mistake. But, in order to train the brain better you might want to be more precise and specific. You can be grateful for a summer holiday, but it sounds much more powerful if you say “I am grateful that I got to visit a certain place and enjoy a certain painting during my summer holiday”. In everyday life it gets even simpler… “I am grateful that my partner made me a wonderful breakfast”, or “I am grateful for that cup of coffee, the smell and the taste were just what I needed”.
The science of gratitude
There are at least 7 scientifically proven benefits of feeling gratitude, writing down your blessings and sending heartfelt thank you notes to people who make your life better.
Among the most important are better self-esteem and better sleep. The one that stands out is improving mental strength by improving satisfaction with our lives.
Being grateful is not the same as positive thinking
Positive thinking is a powerful tool, but it can be hurtful. Gratitude allows you to feel various emotions, while focusing on what made your day. Positive thinking doesn’t give you the space to get angry or just feel sad, which can lead to anxiety and even depression. People are different so the whole attitude of thinking positive all the time just isn’t for everyone.
“Learn to be thankful for what you already have, while you pursue all that you want.” —Jim Rohn
So what are you grateful for?
As promised, we dug into the meaning of gratitude, the benefits of showing gratitude and exactly how to express gratitude. There is only one simple rule you should follow: do it every day until it becomes part of you, your new habit.
What are you grateful for today? Can you name three things? How about five? You don’t have to share your thoughts, but if you think you can inspire someone please do. Then that person will be grateful to have found you.