The world is divided in a tug of war between the emotional and the rational. While some people crave a higher IQ to aid them in situations, others chase a better EQ to decipher people satisfactorily.
Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to empathize with our fellow beings and process emotions correctly. Often our emotions drive our behavioral thinking more often than we would like to admit, which is why it’s imperative to monitor them.
Many of us still remain unaware of the fruits that high emotional intelligence can bear in both a formal and informal situation. This is exactly why we need to go into in-depth frameworks of EQ and its benefits in multiple situations. Read on to learn more.

Dimension of EQ
After much research and surveys, Peter Salovey and his colleague John Mayer curated four branches of emotional intelligence to better understand it and its functions. Let’s learn more about this hierarchy of branches.
Perceiving Emotion
This is the first dimension which is related to acknowledging one’s own and other people’s multifarious states. These states can be on a psychological level or a physical level.
This dimension also pertains to emphasizing the emotions of other people and correctly expressing one’s own. Moreover, one should be able to distinguish quite clearly between honest and pretend feelings or emotions to understand people better.
Using Emotions to Facilitate Thought
The second dimension relates to changing the course of your thinking and base it more on the feelings associated with thoughts. It has to do with developing emotions to ameliorate memory and one’s sense of judgment.
Moreover, it banks on mood changes to guide you to entertain multifarious viewpoints and utilizing emotions for problem-solving.
Understanding Emotions
This includes comprehending the coherence between disparate emotions as well as the cause and effects of such emotions. This dimension also means understanding complex emotions including a transitory emotional state.
Managing Emotions
This dimension refers to accepting both pleasant and unpleasant emotions with open arms. Moreover, it means trying to figure out the inner feelings of your own being as well as those who surround you.
Attributes of Emotionally Intelligent People
There are a plethora of attributes of people possessing a high emotional quotient but today, we will discuss a few concise ones. Being able to adapt change and accepting it as a part of life without being afraid of it is one such attribute.
Having a high EQ enables self-awareness, allowing one to acknowledge one’s attributes, one’s flexibility, and what one’s emotional needs are.
Moreover, it makes one empathetic, allowing one to be someone who can put oneself in other’s shoes and deeply understand their current scenarios.
Possessing emotional intelligence gets you committed to the quality of both life and work and simultaneously makes you understand that perfect is a myth. Other than that, such people lead balanced lives with an idyllic work-life balance.
They are open to newer experiences as they know they can handle anything and are curious to learn more. They eventually transform themselves into grateful and happy individuals.
Why Is It Imperative To Be Emotionally Intelligent?

Most importantly, to fully comprehend your emotions is truly a blessing as you know your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing this is the greatest power as it’ll help you flourish into a high-functioning human being since you are in control of your emotions.
Being emotionally intelligent is ultimately important as it enables you to connect properly with others, which aids you in building healthy relationships.
It also pushes you to crack better deals and tackle tough clients as you’d be able to understand them quickly, which makes the negotiation turn your way.
Educational institutions keep chasing to enhance the IQ of an individual, but no one caters to the emotional intelligence. While it may take time to change that, it’s imperative to fully comprehend your own emotions before you help others process theirs.