The day started out like most others for us – with a horrendously bumpy bus ride (except this one was in a Kombi, which made it all okay).
Little did I know, we were about to head into one of the most perfect vacation destinations I have ever stayed in – Armação dos Búzios (or Búzios for short).
I was really not expecting a week of lazing by the pool, drinking coconuts at the beach, soaking up the sun, driving around in a Kombi van, speed-boating across the ocean, eating multiple churros, building friendships with people from all over the world and relaxing in paradise.
But it happened, and we caught it all on camera…
Here is Part One of our “vacation” away from our permanent vacation in Búzios, Brazil. If you missed some of our previous travel vlogs, click here.
Please watch this is HD to see it properly!
A Rio Story Travel Vlog #10 – We Found The Perfect Vacation Destination In Brazil! (Part One)
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