Essential Tips You Need to Know Before Getting a Tattoo Abroad

There are plenty of people who decide to get a travel tattoo away from home on an adventure. Exploring foreign territory is something that makes us want to explore new parts of ourselves.


Almost everywhere you go, some local tourism offers excitement to seekers. Think of skydiving, rock climbing, bungee jumping… the list continues and continues. But some of us may want to get a tattoo while traveling to complete an adventure.

However, there are many things you need to consider first. When you’re traveling, you need to consider safety, your other activities, and aftercare. Here are some essential tips you need to know before getting a tattoo abroad. 

Getting a Tattoo Abroad
Here are some essential tips you need to know before getting a tattoo abroad. Photo credits to:

Decide on Your Design

When you choose to get a tattoo, you need to find out how you want it to look. There are a lot of different styles of tattooing, and you’re going to want to go to an artist who is an expert in the look you desire. Save the pictures you like the most during your appointment and show them to your artist. You can use these to inspire you to create your own one-of-a-kind piece.

Location is also very important when you decide to get a tattoo. Ask your artist for any recommendations on colors, location, and size. 


Choosing Your Artist

Make sure that your artist and the tattoo shop have the appropriate licenses. A quick search on Google will tell you what the rules and regulations for tattoo licensing are in your country. Each state is different, so it’s essential to get to know your area’s guidelines. If you know what you are looking for, make sure that you are approved by the shop and the artist you are interested in. The licensing of the parlor should be shown prominently on their website and on the wall of the store.

The shop’s cleanliness is also what you need to keep an eye on. To prevent cross-contamination, artists are allowed to use single-use needles for tattoos. This also refers to gloves, bandages, swabs, and razors — there must be something new for your artist to use on each customer.

Consider Your Other Itineraries

To avoid infection, it is essential to keep new tattoos clean, dry, and out of sunlight. In other words, if you plan to spend time island-hopping in the sun, it might be best to skip the tattoo. It is also the best move to skip the tattoo if you plan to have activities that involve seawater or pool water.

That is why getting a tattoo abroad is not always a good idea, especially when you’re traveling to a tropical country. However, when you know the right guidelines for aftercare, it is possible to have a thorough trip.

Proper Aftercare

Gently cover the area with a clean towel after you rinse. No matter what you do, don’t rub. Rubbing may pull the skin and cause the failure of the ink. If you have itchy, dry skin, apply a thin layer of recommended ointment from your artist or a gentle, unscented lotion. You should avoid using irritants such as fragrance or alcohol, as with the cleanser.

Remember, it will take you at least two weeks to let your tattoo heal before dipping into the ocean or a pool. 


Getting a tattoo requires planning. When you’re traveling, it is essential to know these tips to get things straight. If you’re traveling to a tropical country, click here for more tips.