Are you more geared towards solo travel or group travel? When it comes to travel, almost everyone has an idea of what should or shouldn’t be done for a trip you moreover paid for.
Of late, one of the questions that keeps popping up is whether to choose a group adventure or solo adventure. Well, each of these comes with its pros and cons, but it all zeros down to what you are most comfortable with.
Are you open to having fun alone? Are you comfortable letting loose and having fun with strangers? Let’s delve deeper.

With Solo Travel, You Wait for No One
The beauty with solo travel is that it’s all about you, all the time. If you wake up one morning and you want to go hiking, you can do that. You don’t have to discuss with anyone or seek anyone’s approval.
It’s all about you, and you get to do what you like and whenever you want. Forget people derailing or having mixed over something that you like; solo traveling opens you up to adventures of a lifetime.
Solo Travel Allows Self-Pacing
When you travel alone, you also get to choose your own pace while abroad. You can make an impromptu plan, change your mind last minute, and switch plans without being worried about offending anyone.
Don’t you like where you are staying, and you feel like switching to a different place? You can book a ticket for another hotel at your own pace. Solo traveling eases a lot of tensions that come up when you have to plan for two or more people.
Authentic, Endless Life Experiences
Welcome the idea of going out and having fun without anyone’s input. According to experts, being alone in unfamiliar places contributes a lot towards your personal and inner growth.
It also helps you grow mentally since you have to figure out things and make decisions on your own continually. When you have no one to rely on, what do you do? Rely on yourself. Personal growth is essential, and what better way to experience this than going for a solo adventure.
Group Travel Comes with Family Dinners and Get-Togethers
Do you love cooking? Then cooking for your family or your fellow travelers would be a great thing. If you travel in a group, you get the opportunity to indulge in different people’s talents, and that is where your cooking skills come into play.
For instance, WiFi Tribe took it to Jamaica, where they had an excellent holiday coupled with potluck and food cooked by different people to accommodate Americans who were looking for different traditions.
Great Company
If you get a chance to travel with awesome people, you will be surprised how easy it is to click with each other. This allows you to try new things, take beautiful pictures together, go on different adventures together, and do together so many things you have never done before.
The beauty with group travels is that you always have someone to talk to, any time. You are guaranteed great company all through your vacation.
Opportunity to Make New Friends
Yes, this should have been number one on the list. Travel buddies equal instant friends. If you have a hard time making friends, this is a perfect opportunity for you. You will meet people from all walks of life, different personalities, all looking to have fun like you. This will also teach you how to stay with others.
Whether you choose to travel solo or in a group, always be open to the experience and have fun. Go out of your comfort zone and make the best of whatever surrounds you. Go with the flow; the best adventures happen when you least expect them.