How To Improve Your English On Whatsapp

Have you had English lessons but still don’t feel confident talking to people?

Keep reading because I have a solution for you!

My name is Hannah, I’m an Australian native English speakerĀ and I want to help you become a more confident English speaker.

If you are reading this it probably means 3 things: You can read in English and you can understand English but when you want to SPEAK in English you get an instant mental block.

Something simply stops you from saying the words even when you know them in your head.

So why does this happen?

Simpleā€¦ Lack of confidence.


The problem is, this lack of confidence is holding you back from many opportunities in all aspects of your life!

For exampleā€¦ Do you dream of travelling, studying or living overseas, working in a high up position for a multi-national company or even running your own international business?

All of this is possible when you have the confidence to speak in English!

So how can you build this confidence?

What is the solution?

Well, to be able to speak English fluently whenever you want, you need to be able to think and dream in English. Sound impossible?

Not if you form a habit.

Evidence has shownĀ that it takes less than 60 days to form a habit. In that timeĀ you train yourself to do the same thing every day. Once you’ve passed the 60 days the habit should simply come natural to you.

So how can this work while trying to improve your English skills? Simple. To be able to think, dream and speak in English with confidence and fluency you need to practice speaking to someone in English for at least 15 minutes every day.

More practice = more confidence = YOU speaking English like a boss!

The problem is, you need to find someone who is able to talk to you in English every day and yes, this can beĀ difficult.

1) People are busy and
2) You might not know anyone else who speaks English

Sure, you can take a one hour conversational English lesson each week but this isn’t enough. TheĀ long gap between lessons makes it very easy to forget everything you learn and you won’t be able to form a strong enough habit.

This is why I created a special program on Whatsapp for people like you who know the English language but have no confidence talking to other English speakers.

You can practice speaking with me for 20 minutes Monday-Friday using Whatsapp voice messenger. Itā€™s easy, inexpensive and you can do it from home at any time.

This is how it works:

  • We speak for 20+ minutes each day (Monday – Friday) using Whatsapp audio messenger (over 6.5 hours per month)
  • We have casual one-on-one conversations throughout the day to help you practice speaking in English
  • We talk about topics important to you

Normal private English lessons can cost you up to $80 BRL per hour (+ travel costs) which is expensive and the process of practicing conversational English can be very slow.

I want you to become confident and fluent faster by keeping English on your mind every day.

That is why I created a better way with my conversational English program on Whatsapp. This is an easy and effective way to build your habit!

My program is only $350 BRL per month for more than 6.5 hours of conversational English and you can do it from anywhere!

I only accept 10 applicants per month as my time is limited so applyĀ now to get started.

To apply:

Send a voice message to +55 21 98056 5521Ā and tell me your name, where you are from and why you would like to improve your English.

I look forward to hearing from you!


PS. Spots are limited so please donā€™t wait!

PPS. This program has helped people to improve theirĀ English skills and build up the confidence to speak more fluently in as little as one week. Why don’t you give it a go?