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Oh yes, the time has come.
It’s time to join the travel vlogging scene and finally squeeze our travels and everything else we’re about into videos to share with the world. I am so excited! Mainly because talking to a camera is so much easier than writing when you want people to think you’re funny. Yay for technology!
My first vlog (video blog for those who live in a cave) is a goofy introduction to our new travel vlog series, A Rio Story, as well as a sneaky insight into the book that is going to help you travel the world.
Travel Vlog
When we arrived in Rio de Janeiro at the very end of December 2014 we were so obsessed with videoing everything we did. The result? Hours of footage and nowhere to put it, until now…
Introducing A Rio Story, a weekly vlog series chronicling our time in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We give you an in depth insight into one of the most famous cities in the world and basically take you on a journey through a locals lens. We spent much of our time exploring unheard of towns, quirky neighborhoods, even favelas’ and this travel video series reflects it all.
So far, I have enough footage for 7 weeks of A Rio Story so look out people because I’m not messing around here! On every Monday of each week, starting from this Monday 23rd February, I will be posting a 10-20 minute long travel vlog of our 6 weeks in Rio de Janeiro. The videos will go up on Youtube, Facebook and of course, this blog, just to make sure none of you escape them!
Woo. Hoo. I’m. Excited.
Travel More, eBook
Now, you see that free eBook located in our sidebar? Well that, my friends, is the first edition of Travel More, an insightful guide to saving and earning money while you travel. Throughout this eBook we feature the story of how we came to travelling full time and give tips and strategies for you to simply copy us.
But recently we realised we have far more to give…
So Travel More Edition 2 is on it’s way! Inside this upgraded version of our free eBook we offer a ton of tips and advice we didn’t think to include in the first edition as well as a number of interviews, stories and inspiration from people who successfully travel the world long term. We’re putting everything we know about travelling and creating a location independent lifestyle into this book so don’t let us down when it comes to launch time (please and thank you)! We know you want to travel more and this book simply shows you how, so get on it!
I’ll be sure to let all of you know when it comes closer to launch date, which I promised inside the video would be soon.
But wait there’s more!
Because we love you and wouldn’t still be writing, Instagramming and tweeting (oh, and vlogging) without you, we also have a brand new free eBook in the pipeline! I’m keeping this one a surprise for now but the aim is to have it live buy time Travel More Edition 2 comes out.
Stay tuned wanderlusters. You’ll be seeing much more of our ugly mugs around town very soon!
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